Downgrade Thunderbird 6 to Thunderbird 5 from PPA

Dotan Cohen dotancohen at
Thu Aug 18 17:58:53 UTC 2011

On Thu, Aug 18, 2011 at 20:43, Nils Kassube <kassube at> wrote:
> I did some research and I came to the conclusion that his real name
> probably is Timmy [1]. Some time ago, someone let him play with a toy
> called Sounder and after a while he thought it was _his_ toy. Then you
> came along and suggested to scrap that obsolete thing. Unfortunately he
> is scared of meetings with too many adults unknown to little Timmy.
> Therefore he didn't attend the meeting where it was decided to actually
> scrap Sounder. Now the last thing he remembers about Sounder is that
> _you_ are the culprit who made it disappear. I suppose he will never
> forgive you.

Not here, Nils. Please don't hijack. Thanks.

Dotan Cohen

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