Detection of ATI Video card

compdoc compdoc at
Thu Aug 18 03:33:58 UTC 2011

Jordon Bedwell wrote:

>You have it backwards, the Opensource driver is the third party driver
>and the driver provided by ATI is the the "original". And you always
>have a driver loaded.

A third party driver would be a driver that is not part of Ubuntu. For
example, proprietary drivers that you have to install yourself that are
written by corporations that are not part of the Ubuntu project.

Ubuntu is itself open source, and any included software tends to be open
source. This forms an association.

Now, it's possible there are proprietary drivers that are installed by the
Ubuntu installer, but the ATI driver is not one of them. Its third party.

And lastly, I never said nor implied a driver wasn't loading. Are you drunk?

Third party is often used to refer to a person or entity who is not involved
in an interaction or relationship.

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