Asus X50SL kernel 3.0 wireless problem Ubuntu Atheros SOLVED

Dejan Ribič dejan.ribic at
Wed Aug 10 15:06:27 UTC 2011

Dne 9.8.2011 21:41, piše Ric Moore:
> On Tue, 2011-08-09 at 16:30 +0200, Dejan Ribič wrote:
>> Hi,
>>     I guess I should give you more details, I appologize for that, so
>> here are the links:
>> 1. config-3.0.1
>> 2. diff file between two configs:
>> 3. diffstat:
>>    config- |  189     72 +    117 -    0 !
>>    1 file changed, 72 insertions(+), 117 deletions(-)
>> If you need anymore info just tell me and I will provide it
> You're missing the point, you rolled your own kernel. You broke it, you
> get to keep the pieces. It is now part of your learning curve, not ours.
> Good luck. That is a stock issue not covered on ~any~ Linux forum except
> the kernel group list. Ric

   well today I finally had a bit of free time and decided to check for any related bugs, and I've found one. I 
understand that this is not exactly Ubuntu related, but I will post the 
solution anyway, so that if someone else becomes a victim of this bug, 
he/she can solve it in an instance:
1. open your .config file(after you've run make menuconfig) with a text 
editor(like gedit, etc.) and find a line:
# CONFIG_ATH9K_PCI is not set
2. change it to:
3. save and compile the kernel.



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