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Colin Law clanlaw at
Sun Aug 7 14:24:34 UTC 2011

On 7 August 2011 15:15, Richard Owlett <rowlett at> wrote:
> Cybe R. Wizard wrote:
>> On Sun, 7 Aug 2011 09:14:42 -0400
>> Tom H<tomh0665 at>  didst polemicize thusly:
>>> On Sun, Aug 7, 2011 at 5:59 AM, Alan Pope<alan at>  wrote:
>>>> On 7 August 2011 10:44, Colin Law<clanlaw at>  wrote:
>>>>> What age are they being blocking at?
>>>> I don't recall. Probably something like 2007 and older, but don't
>>>> quote me on that.
>>> The one that I posted was from 2007 so you're within that range.
>>> It's a weird policy though!
>> The page you referenced also says, "You are browsing a READ only
>> archive of the main support categories pre 4/21/2008."
>> I'd guess that indicates the age of 'blocked' articles.
>> Cybe R. Wizard
> *TILT* Not necessarily so ;/
> When I go to { } the only
> date I see is in the copyright notice.
> Could this difference be due to me never having registered on anything on
> Ubuntu Forums website?

It appears that if one is logged in then one sees the posts with the
Read Only message, but one is not logged in to the forum then one just
sees the blocked message.

I don't see the logic of this.  If the idea is to hide old posts then
what is the point of hiding them only from people not logged in?


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