nvidia driver enabling in 11.04?

Basil Chupin blchupin at iinet.net.au
Thu Aug 4 06:57:29 UTC 2011

On 04/08/11 16:13, Ric Moore wrote:
> On Wed, 2011-08-03 at 15:07 -0700, Dave Stevens wrote:
>> choked.ca/nvidia.png
> cd into /etc/X11 and check what your xorg.conf file contains. It should
> show that the driver is set to nvidia. Like this:
> Section "Device"
>      Identifier     "Configured Video Device"
>      Driver         "nvidia"
> EndSection
> If you ain't got that, then for about the nth time this week, just crank
> up nvidia X Server Settings, and let it save your /etc/X11/xorg.conf

It may be prudent to be cautious about offering this advice about 
xorg.conf because this is no longer generated as the video settings are 
generated "on the fly" when the system is booted.

However, I believe, that it is generated if you use the nvidia settings 
menu (or some command line instruction).

> file after you've messed around with the various settings. It should ask
> for your su password. Sometimes that bit gets hidden behind. Once it's
> written it should be all enabled for you then. Then recheck your
> xorg.conf file and it should be corrected. Reboot and you might see the
> nvidia splash screen.
> If not working now, something is seriously hammered. But, I personally
> wouldn't use the nVidia supplied dot-run file. It uses different library
> directories to install it's files to and something is bound to go wonky,

To this very day I always use the "sh NVIDIA*.run" file, downloaded 
directly from the nVidia site itself, to install the nVidia driver. 
Never a hitch, never a problem.

But you do need to have installed the "kernel-source", "make", and "gcc" 
before doing this, as well as being in init 3 and logged in as root.

> although I used it for years with RedHat as I had ~no other option~.
> Stick with the Ubuntu supplied route, if at all possible. Raise hell
> about it, if it remains broken, with a bug report :) Ric
> p/s I'm getting almost 30,000 fps, using glxgears, with an old crufty
> FX-5500 board.

I's rather curious about this 'cause you have mentioned this card 
several times :-) .

May I ask the brand/manufacturer of this FX5500 card?

Reason for asking is that I have this card installed on my wife's 
computer and even though it has DVI output it will NOT work with digital 
output, but will only perform when set to analog.


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