UEFI and grub2

Hermann J. Beckers hjb-news at onlinehome.de
Wed Aug 3 18:32:17 UTC 2011

Am Sunday, 31. July 2011 schrieb Tom H:

> True about extended partitions. Also, IIRC, the "fdisk -l" "System"
> column should be "GPT" and the "Id" column "ee" for a GPT disk.
Everything is well. I backed up everything and did a new install. The 
installer offers three options:

- Kill Bill (aka remove windows 7 completely)
- install besides windows 7
- something else

On my first try I choose the latter option and was asked where to put grub and 
I decided to put it into the root partition, because the german wording of 
option 2 sounds more like a wubi install (everything in a big file on the 
windows partition) to me.

Now I used option 2 and wasn't asked where to put grub. A reboot later now I 
have the grub menu which offers me the best of both worlds ... the second 
being opensuse which of course had to remove the active flag from the windows 
partition (--> "no operating system found "). Again ubuntu to the rescue ...

> What isn't clear is how this box can be sold as an EFI box when it
> clearly isn't.

Yes, that remains the question. The HP start menu with an nonselectable uefi 
entry is still there and after that the grub menu shows up and there is no 
access to the standard bios menus. Me thinks this entry will be unselectable 
until a disk with gpt formatting is attached. Could it be that the boot 
process jumps first to the hp recovery/repair partition?

Thanks again, especially to Goh Lip.


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