When using monitor in TwinView, the OS doesn't recognizes it's native resolution, why?

jeremy, thomas jeremydthomas at postafiok.hu
Wed Aug 3 16:48:25 UTC 2011

"Monitor A": Samsung 940N 19" LCD [VGA connection]
"Monitor B": Samsung 940N 19" LCD [VGA connection]
VGA card: Nvidia Geforce GT220 [has 1 VGA, 1 HDMI, 1 DVI]
So I'm using a "DVI to VGA" converter.

Under Windows7: The OS recognizes the 1280x1024 native resolution in both
monitors, hurray!

Under Ubuntu 11.04: The OS recognizes one of the monitors ("Monitor A") as a
Samsung, OK! (resolution is good too!). BUT: the other monitor ("Monitor B")
is recognized as "Unknown", and uses 1024*768. (the "other" monitor is the
one that's with a DVI to VGA converter - "Monitor B"). I installed the
NVIDIA driver too, but it still recognizes the second monitor - "Monitor B"
(with the DVI to VGA converter) as it would has a maximum resolution of

Question: How could I "tell" Ubuntu to use the "other" monitor - "Monitor B"
with 1280*1024 (the native resolution)???
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