TPM 1.2 and Kernel

Sebastian Biedermann biedermann at
Tue Aug 2 08:35:22 UTC 2011

Hi list,

I'm using Ubuntu Server 10.04 LTS (amd64) with #1 SMP x86_64 
Additionally, I have a TPM 1.2 module on the mainboard which I can 
activate in Bios.

Unfortunatley, I'm not able to use the TPM module, because it times out:

toor at node-4:~$ dmesg | grep tpm
[    2.524876] tpm_tis 00:0e: 1.2 TPM (device-id 0xB, rev-id 16)
[    2.982272] tpm_tis 00:0e: Operation Timed out
[    3.922214] tpm_tis 00:0e: Operation Timed out
[   14.632849] tpm_tis 00:0e: Operation Timed out

toor at node-4:~$ tpm_selftest -l debug
Tspi_Context_Create success
Tspi_Context_Connect failed: 0x00003011 - layer=tsp, code=0011 (17), 
Communication failure
Tspi_Context_FreeMemory success
Tspi_Context_Close success

I read about some problems with the kernel and the TPM module..

Is there maybe a workaround available?
Or can anyone help me to solve that problem?

Thank you!


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