Getting rid of Unity?

Sandy Harris sandyinchina at
Sat Apr 30 02:25:43 UTC 2011

I installed Natty on one machine this morning and, at least on first
impression, I detest Unity. This might get better over time, but who
knows? I have no desire to wait and see; I want Unity gone, now.

Can I just install one desktop and delete or disable the other, or
does that break things? Are there things to know or to beware of
before trying this?

If I wanted KDE, I'd install Kubuntu. Other choices are Xubuntu
or Lubuntu, each giving a different desktop. Is there a Gnubuntu
or some such with the Gnome desktop? if not, there should be!

One person on the list reported installing Xubuntu and then
adding a Gnome desktop. Are the details of how to do that
posted anywhere?

I was a happy Xubuntu user for some time. I only switched
to Ubuntu itself because Google Chrome needed gnome
libraries and it seemed easier to go whole hog than figure
out which libraries to install. My default solution is to go
back to Xubuntu, which is downloading as I type. Anyone
got better suggestions?

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