Fully compatible with Microsoft Office?

Niki Kovacs info at microlinux.fr
Fri Apr 29 20:47:53 UTC 2011

Le 29/04/2011 22:00, chris a écrit :

>> Not liking Unity is not a 'bug' or 'technical problem' and
>> would not likely show up on those kinds of places, that perhaps they
>> do monitor. It would be a shame if Ubuntu were to be surprised when a
>> significant number of capable folks leave for another distro...
>> I left Mandriva when they screwed up - it would be nice to stay put
>> for a while. :-)

Sometimes a crisis can be a good thing. Since my job mainly consists in 
installing Linux for professional clients (town halls, schools and the 
likes), I hated the prospect of investing time in a specific 
OS/environment, only to know that the distributor will already have 
discarded it in his next LTS release.

I did quite a lot of fiddling... and discovered that a seriously 
reworked Xubuntu 11.04 just perfectly fits my needs. I made it look like 
my old plain Ubuntu 10.04 install, with tweaked icons and panels, and I 
must say, I'm very happy with the result. So 10.04 LTS on the server and 
Xubuntu 11.04 on the desktops it will be.

Cheers from the stormy South of France,


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