How to reinstall video drivers?

Richard ratcheson at
Wed Apr 27 01:46:35 UTC 2011

On 04/25/2011 09:07 PM, NoOp wrote:
> How did you change the driver?
That was the only thing that was simple.  I used synaptic and looked for 
ATI drivers.  Then I installed some using the search function in synaptic.
> Try: System|Administration|Additional Drivers
> and see if perhaps: 1) you have/need additional drivers, and 2) if they
> are enabled. Also, try: System|Preferences|Monitors&  make sure that the
> refresh settings are correct.

The only drivers that show up in the Additional Drivers thing is the 
broadcom drivers,  Absolutely no video drivers there!

The Monitors app shows a default but cant change a thing!
> Other than that you'll need to provide more info regarding what you did
> and what video drivers you actually use.

But your response got me to looking again,  Started out with trying to 
determine what the video card is.  Eventually I got the system test to 
tell me it was ATI/Radeon as I had determined before.  So I went in and 
deleted all the associated apps/modules.  That didnt change anything but 
when I reinstalled the ATI/Radeon stuff and rebooted after making each 
change I got my resolutions back.  And I thought I only needed to reboot 
for kernel changes.

Bottom line, I thank you for getting me back to thinking about the 
basics.   Guess I got spoiled using Suse's Yast for this sort of stuff. 
  It really shouldnt be so hard.

Now I'm almost back to figuring out why Google Video Chat wont work, but 
thats a whole nother thread.


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