Explain to me again why Unity is so great...

Alan Pope popey at ubuntu.com
Fri Apr 22 21:46:58 UTC 2011

On 22 April 2011 22:39, Zach <zach at zcsmith.com> wrote:
> Actually Al, I am legitimately asking if there is something about Unity that
> I've missed, such as some super secret setting(s) or what have you that I've
> overlooked that would change my opinion of Unity and make me look forward to
> using it.  It wouldn't be the first time that I delved into a piece of
> software only to find out that I hadn't even scratched the surface before
> discovering there was more than what meets the eye.

Unity is a voyage of discovery. I've certainly learned new tricks with Unity :)

Here's some useful places to learn more:-


I found these two useful:-


As a starter.


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