(OT) Explain to me again why Unity is so great...

Zach zach at zcsmith.com
Fri Apr 22 21:27:21 UTC 2011

On 04/22/2011 04:01 PM, Graham Todd wrote:
> On Fri, 22 Apr 2011 15:05:27 -0500
> Zach<zach at zcsmith.com>  wrote:
>> I
>> may very well give Debian a tryout, always heard/read great things
>> about it and I'm still impressed with its off-shoot, just not the
>> direction it seems to be going.
> Which is?
The direction that Linux has always been about choice and you have some 
propeller heads at Canonical who have decided that Unity is the way to 
go and everything else be damned.  A bit of an exaggeration perhaps but 
you get the idea.  I know just about everything in the world of 
computers has an expiration date but getting rid of something when it's 
far from its time to expire just for the sake of replacing it with some 
newfangled gadget is unproductive and in most cases, a poor business 


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