ubuntu-users Digest, Vol 80, Issue 95

chris chevhq at gmail.com
Mon Apr 18 20:41:12 UTC 2011

On Mon, 2011-04-18 at 16:26 +0100, Colin Law wrote:
> On 18 April 2011 15:36, Peter Derek <1and1get2 at gmail.com> wrote:
> > did you guys installed gnome 3.0 successfully in your ubuntu?   i'm just
> > wondering if it works well....
> What has that question got to do with the subject line (ubuntu-users
> Digest, Vol 80, Issue 95), and why have you included the whole of the
> digest in your email clogging up our mailboxes with junk?
> If you want to ask a question start a new thread and give it a
> sensible subject line.
> > [massive snip]
> Colin

and Peter Derek please don't top post on this list

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