Nice games for Linux

Alan Pope popey at
Mon Apr 18 11:01:43 UTC 2011

Hi Jordon,

On 18 April 2011 11:53, Jordon Bedwell <jordon at> wrote:
> I hope you guys don't see this as spam but I figured I would share it
> anyways.  Yesterday I was searching for "decent" games that were Linux
> compatible and ran across the site it's a
> little site that lets you set your own price to donate and then you get
> access to a bunch of games that are available on Linux.

It is a pretty cool scheme they run. I've bought the previous two
bundles they did. The only issue this time around is that they have
said the games wont work on Intel based chipsets, the kind you tend to
get in low end laptops and integrated desktops.

It's nice to see that Linux users are giving more money (again) than
Windows or Mac users though :)


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