Oh, please, please, COME ON Ubuntu development people!

simpleLinux 2fzweb at gmail.com
Sun Apr 17 07:54:58 UTC 2011

I've been using yggdrasil long.... Weird but fun :)... And before xp
is released, I tried something called windows whistler beta, and it DO
mess up my pc hahahaha...

Meanwhile: using beta is about to agree that you"ll found some bugs...
Henceforth, beta is not to be used as an ordinary released distro..
Think that beta is made to developers or freewill testers so they can
make a better tomorrow... That's why before a release, there's alpha
and beta...

I think the nearby repo is problemo :/ downloading all apps for ubuntu
in a very weird speed..


Sorry if I about to brake the chain... :p

On Saturday, April 16, 2011, Jordon Bedwell <jordon at envygeeks.com> wrote:
> On 4/16/2011 4:24 PM, Dennis Lewis wrote:
>> *I’m working with a Dell Latitude D610 laptop. I installed Ubuntu 10.10
>> on this computer. Everything seems to work ok except my wireless, I went
>> through a lot of troubleshooting issues and can`t enable wireless. I get
>> a message that says “Quote" dhcpcd wireless problems. dhcpcd wlan0
>> removes essid entry in iwconfig. Any suggestions?*
>> www.http://lewis4884.web.officelive.com
>> http://www.freegifts4kids.com/133.html
>> https://www.paypal.com/us/mrb/pal=5ZVSSRGR56EV4
> Pro tip: Keep your mouse cursor off the fail button.
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> 3.) Don't top post. It breaks the flow...
> 4.) Use plain text email.  Big ass fonts with backgrounds are retarded.
> 5.) Don't top post.  It breaks the flow...
> 6.) Don't top post.  It breaks the flow...
> 7.) Don't top post.  It breaks the flow...
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> 9.) Refer to the pro tip, create a post it note and put it up near you.
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*Fariz Luqman*
The Chairman of SimpleLinux
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"There IS a Malaysian Linux Distro"

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