How to record music off of the Internet...???

Larry Shields larryesu at
Tue Apr 12 18:23:02 UTC 2011

On 04/12/2011 12:23 PM, sdavmor wrote:
> On 04/12/2011 09:17 AM, Larry Shields wrote:
>> *By any chance has anyone recorded music off of the INTERNET not using
>> a MIC!...
>> If so I'd like to know how you went about it, and which program that
>> you used...
>> Thanks Larry
> Audacity (in the repository).  Took me about 10 mins to set it up to 
> record an internet radio stream last week after reading the relevant 
> infomation in the help manual. I had my volume set a bit too low, but 
> that's easy enough to fix after the fact and I'll set it higher next 
> time.
> If you get stuck contact me here: sdavmor at systemstheory dot net.
*Ok well I tried using Audicity, but the audio is very very low when 
trying too record the music guess it was the same for you...Now my 
question is how does one increase the audio level so it can be recorded 
like what I hear right off the Internet...???

Thanks for your help...Larry

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