Some problems with Ubuntu 10.10 and Eee PC 1018p

Jo Galara jogalara at
Mon Apr 11 19:12:25 UTC 2011


I've bought an ASUS Eee PC 1018P-BLK166S, it's a netbook. So far it
works fine but I got some problems with Ubuntu 10.10 32bit:

1) When using WLAN on battery the throughput goes down
dramatically(tested with a file-download, WLAN mbit/s stay the same: 54
Mbit/s). As soon as I use AC power I get normal speed again. I am using
the proprietary driver. Maybe the WLAN card goes into an energy saving
state or so? I think the installed driver is: bcmwl-kernel-source -

2) The display light turns off every 5 minutes although I changed it to
1 hour in System->Preferences->Power Management.

3) The Eee PC has a multitouch touchpad, but I can't enable "two-finger
scrolling" in the mouse options. It works with 11.04 (but there are too
many bugs to use it now). Any way I can get it to work with 10.10, too?

4) The netbook has a fingerprint reader. Is there any way to use it?


Jo Galara

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