Totem Movie Player doesn't play movies, just sticks at first frame

Chris G cl at
Thu Sep 30 17:18:51 UTC 2010

On Fri, Oct 01, 2010 at 01:09:03AM +0800, [C]hicken [G] od wrote:
>    On Fri, Oct 1, 2010 at 12:54 AM, Chris G <[1]cl at> wrote:
>      On Fri, Oct 01, 2010 at 12:01:36AM +0800, [C]hicken [G] od wrote:
>      >    On Thu, Sep 30, 2010 at 9:11 PM, Chris G <[2][2]cl at> wrote:
>      >
>      >      When I try and play AVI files with totem it just sits showing the
>      first
>      >      frame as though it's paused there but it's not paused.  Clicking
>      >      pause/play does nothing.
>      >
>      >      I can drag the Time slider across and the movie plays, it just
>      doesn't
>      >      seem able to play by itself, any ideas?
>      >
>      >    Have you tried installing the codecs from [1][3]
>      >
>      If I knew what "the codecs" meant I might try it!  :-)
>      Searching for codecs in synaptic leaves me none the wiser, there's no
>      particular set of files that looks like 'codecs' to me.
>    I meant all the possible ones. I left no stone unturned so I ran every
>    possible codec that I could get my hands on.
OK, so how do I find them?  As I said searching for 'codec' in Synaptic
produces a huge list 99% of which aren't codecs (I assume).

>      In addition, since the movie plays OK when I drag the slider across
>      surely the necessary codec is available otherwise it wouldn't be
>      possible to decode the video.

Any comment about this bit?

Chris Green

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