How to set icecat as default browser when clicking links in thunderbird

Loïc Grenié loic.grenie at
Thu Sep 30 09:46:20 UTC 2010

2010/9/30 user1 <bqz69 at>:
>> system >preferences>preferred Applications web browser  = custom
>> Command = icecat %s
> That worked :-)
> Strange I have to use gnome for this setup, as I am using kde - that's
> why I always use ubuntu install cd and thereafter I install kde, so I
> have both setup alternatives, according to what "google" tells me to do ?

    You don't "have to", you "can" use gnome. But you can also use

K -> Preferred -> System Settings
   in Default Applications (inside Personal subpane)
   set Web Browser

  (the words can slightly differ because I'm translating from French).

     Long life to the K !


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