xxxxxx samba on xxxxxx 10.04

Basil Chupin blchupin at
Wed Sep 29 10:35:06 UTC 2010

On 29/09/2010 02:49, David Fletcher wrote:
> On Tuesday 28 Sep 2010, Dick Dowdell wrote:
>> Michael,
>> People might be more inclined to help you without the vulgarity.
>> Regards,
>> Dick Dowdell
> On Friday a thread started up with "WTF" as the first three characters of the
> subject.
> Everybody knows what the F stands for yet it provoked no reaction whatsoever.
> I'm not making any judgement on whether either form is good or bad, just an
> observation.

And so you shouldn't make any judgements unless you really know what you 
are talking about; but you are, of course, totally free to make 

I started that thread last Friday, 24 September.

And don't you know that "WTF" stands for? Weird, True and Freaky.

Which is exactly what not having support for a floppy in Ubuntu is all 

So why should anyone be provoked into a reaction?


Sound that shatters silence is called noise. Sound that enhances silence is called music.
                                           Chinese proverb

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