USB flash drive changes to read-only on the fly

Doug dmcgarrett at
Tue Sep 28 18:47:35 UTC 2010

On 9/28/2010 11:52 AM, Dave Woyciesjes wrote:
> Daniel Louw wrote:
>> Regarding using NTFS, I can't.
  So I'm stuck with the
>> FAT32 for now!
>> Thanks!
> 	What about using ext2 on the USB drive? And IIRC, there are drivers to
> allow your Windows PC to read the ext2. I believe I've used (using)
> something like ext2ifs on my laptop....
There definitely is a program to let Windows read ext2.  (I had such a 
routine almost 10 years ago.) Googling around, the first thing I found was

This doesn't say Win7, but if it supports Vista, it probably works OK 
with Win7 also.  And it's free, so why not give it a try?


Blessed are the peacemakers...for they shall be shot at from both sides. 
  --A.M. Greeley

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