thanks fedora

d-_-b theunknownandrew at
Tue Sep 28 05:05:41 UTC 2010

On Tuesday, September 21, 2010, Robert Holtzman <holtzm at> wrote:
> On Mon, Sep 20, 2010 at 12:40:48PM -0400, Ric Moore wrote:
>> On Mon, 2010-09-20 at 20:09 +0530, Tanmoy Chatterjee wrote:
>> > This August I have installed Fdora 13 and really likes it with its
>> > various security tools and the command line software install package -
>> > YUM and one of its plug-ins PRESTO( which reduced the size of
>> > downloadable software considerably). I am still exploring Fedora
>> > 13(More true Linux than Ubuntu???) and I'm lovin it.
>> > Fedora13 rocks.
>> I guess this is payback for all of the Ubuntu users who used to come
>> into the Fedora list and exclaim how Ubuntu rocked and Fedora sucked. :)
>> Ric
> From what I've seen he's right about at least one thing. Fedora is more
> like "true Linux" than Ubuntu. Ubuntu is getting to be more like Windows
> with every release. I'll take a long look at Debian Squeeze when it is
> released as stable. The beta live cd didn't look bad.
> --
> Bob Holtzman
> Key ID: 8D549279
> "If you think you're getting free lunch,
>  check the price of the beer"

Guess this is the tradeoff between being a TRU LINUX image and
improving usability so the Windowze converts and non-techie find it
easy to migrate. If what I have heard is true then it's difficult for
a novice to migrate over to Gentoo / Slackware than Ubuntu / Fedora.
Just my two cents worth ...

  & RU  d*_*b

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