keeping updated

Tom H tomh0665 at
Tue Sep 28 02:30:30 UTC 2010

On Sun, Sep 26, 2010 at 10:30 AM, Alan Pope <alan at> wrote:
> On 26 September 2010 15:23, Scott Berry <scottbb1973 at> wrote:
>> Well unfortunately for totally blind people the update-manager does not
>> work but I do the next best thing.  I actually change the apt sources
>> and do a "apt-get update" and then an"apt-get -y upgrade" and it does
>> the same.  I don't have to worry about any apps at all they all upgrade.
> Ok, a few things
> 1) You almost certainly want 'sudo apt-get dist-upgrade' not 'upgrade'.
> 2) We generally don't recommend you do a release upgrade using that
> method, we recommend you use 'sudo do-release-upgrade'
> 3) if you want to upgrade before release date then use 'sudo
> do-release-upgrade -d'

If you have the desktop version installed, you have to append "--mode
desktop" to "do-release-upgrade" because the assumed mode is "server".

It's definitely "sudo apt-get dist-upgrade" or "sudo aptitude
full-upgrade" but you can't just change "/etc/apt/sources.list". This
describes the procedure to upgrade from the current Debian release to
the upcoming one. Although the Lucid-to-Maverick upgrade is/will be
less involved because their components' versions are closer, you'd
have to create a similar more careful approach if you were not to use

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