user(s) question

rikona rikona at
Mon Sep 27 22:52:45 UTC 2010

Hello Tim,

Sunday, September 26, 2010, 3:55:28 PM, Tim wrote:

TH> On Thursday, September 23, 2010 08:41:47 pm rikona wrote:
>> When I set up Ub, it asked for a user name. It seems that that user
>> has su privileges. I'd like to use that name as a non-su user for
>> normal logins. If it was RRR, can I change it to RRRadmin, for
>> example, keeping the same UserID and privileges, and add another
>> non-su user named RRR? Or - is it better to just add RRRadmin as
>> administrator, and set RRR as a normal user?

TH> One thing you might want to do is to get a full root account going.  

TH> sudo passwd root 

TH> You'll be prompted first for your login password, then a root password, then a
TH> confirmation.  After that you can log in as root, with a desktop and 
TH> everything.  

TH> ubuntu.html

This has come up in an earlier response. It is not recommended by UB,
but it is probably OK if you have a very good password, and don't use
it unless you really need it.

Thanks for the help...



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