thanks fedora

Robert Holtzman holtzm at
Mon Sep 27 22:47:24 UTC 2010

On Mon, Sep 27, 2010 at 09:30:55PM +0530, Tanmoy Chatterjee wrote:
> Sorry for being late to reply. Few questions have been raised - I will
> answer them one by one.
> 1) From my first post in this thread (20 sept) - I presume you will
> know that I am not an expert in computers - to tell you the truth I am
> not even a computer student - computer is a pass time to me and not
> for long too.

This was not immediately apparent. You mentioned running Fedora and now
run Ubuntu, therefore I assumed you weren't a noobie.

> 2) About my remarks on Ubuntu and Fedora - its just an user level
> comments - I don't know who are those experts are who have taken it
> seriously.

Not sure what you mean by taking it seriously.

> 3) To Ric Moore: as far as I know Cannonical's sole objective of
> building "ubuntu" is not a Philanthropic one only - they are here to
> do business - to take on the "windows".
> Do you think discouraging end user like us is going to help them
> achieve that target in PC market?

No one is trying to discourage and/or belittle you. See Ric Moore's
reply on 26 Sep to my post. There is a mailing list protocol of
attempting to research a problem before posting the question. I was
trying to lead you into doing this. See my reply to Nils Kassube
also on 26 Sep. 

> 4) I think I have subscribed to ubuntu-users mailing list and not to
> an ubuntu-knows-all-experts mailing list - that's why my question
> lacks the fine tuning of an expert.

There was nothing wrong with your question.

> 5) From my 24th Sept. post - by /home I want to imply the icon of the
> PD appears in my /home/user1/Desktop - right clicking the icon and
> selecting unmout will make the icon disappears from /home......... but
> the light is still on - which is not the case in FEDORA+WINDOWS when I
> select "safely remove".
> 6) If you can solve my problem, solve it

With no effort on your part?

> - if you can't, then pass the
> baton to those who can.

Bob Holtzman
Key ID: 8D549279
"If you think you're getting free lunch,
 check the price of the beer"
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