WTF?! NO floppy in Lucid or in Meerkat!
rikona at
Mon Sep 27 22:30:44 UTC 2010
Hello Franz,
Friday, September 24, 2010, 11:38:42 PM, Franz wrote:
FW> Hi,
FW> Liam Proven wrote:
FW> [snip]
>> Of Ubuntu variants:
>> * Xubuntu is not that small any more.
>> * Lubuntu is looking promising. I have run it successfully on a P4 with 256MB.
>> * As Lubuntu is gathering speed, the future of U-Lite is uncertain.
>> It may rise again in a new form - I chat to the maintainer regularly &
>> he is still deciding what to do.
>> * The current version of Puppy, v5, is called "Lucid Puppy" and is
>> now Ubuntu-based as well.
FW> Puppy Linux is quite fine if you have to boot from a cd on an old
FW> machine. But as far as I am informed the default user created upon
FW> installation is *root*.
Perhaps one could install offline, and then add a non-root user to
continue online, and for general use?
FW> I would not use this OS as a working environment.
It is a bit small and not as nice as a more elaborate distro, but if
it is the only thing that works on older hardware that can be used for
something useful, it's worthwhile. Charities often get older hardware.
FW> (I just use it to access my email account when I log in from an
FW> untrusted computer - these windows boxes are very often cramped with
FW> malware and keyloggers)
Agree on the latter point. Just helped a user with a 1-2 day old Vista
system - already has three viruses on it. :-) Put on some safeguards
for her to slow the infection process...
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