Network Manager Applet disappeared

drew einhorn drew.einhorn at
Mon Sep 27 12:09:54 UTC 2010

Until recently it's been hanging out inside the Notification Area applet.

My panel still has the Notification Area applet, but it's empty!

This is on a Lucid box, a google search says the Notification Area
went away in Lucid.
But it was there and functioning the last time I noticed.  But not now!

I've rebooted, it didn't help.

At the moment I want the Network Manager applet to bring up a vpn connection.

Hmm.  There used to be a way to manage the vpn from the command line,
maybe that will be the easiest short term solution.

Ah, the Network Manager is still in the notification area on my Karmic
I'll use that for now.

Drew Einhorn

"You can see a lot by just looking."
  --  Yogi Berra

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