removing Ubuntu

Colin Law clanlaw at
Mon Sep 27 09:42:18 UTC 2010

On 27 September 2010 09:22, sina miandashti <miandashti at> wrote:
> hi
> im using ubuntu Netbook versionĀ  beside Windows 7
> (in startup of my laptop i chose which of them to load)
> i want to remove ubuntu Netbook VersionĀ  completely and install the Desktop
> Version Beside Windows 7

If I understand correctly, you have ubuntu netbook in a partition of
it's own beside a win partition.  If so then you can boot from the
Ubuntu install CD and select the option to manually control where
Ubuntu goes (advanced).  I forget exactly what the text is, but make
sure not to select 'side by side' or (obviously) 'use entire disk'.
This will then take you to a page where you can specify that you want
to install Ubuntu into the partition that currently has the netbook
edition.  Also select that you want to reformat that partition.
Obviously backup your windows stuff first.  There is always the
possibility of disaster doing this sort of thing.  Make sure you
select the correct partition to install to.

Alternatively if you just wish to convert your netbook edition to a
desktop edition then I suspect this is almost trivial.  Googling for
convert ubuntu netbook to desktop
yields numerous hits.


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