thanks fedora

Christopher Chan christopher.chan at
Sun Sep 26 23:39:13 UTC 2010

On Monday, September 27, 2010 02:43 AM, Ric Moore wrote:

> So, my suggestion would be "upgrade your machine". I just spared Robert
> from having to say that. :( Ric

Woohoo. I'm running Jaunty too. I've been running Kubuntu Hardy at work 
and upgrading that to Lucid has triggered alarm bells here on the lists 
and I have been told that that is fraught with danger. I have been 
through Hardy -> Interprid -> Jaunty but going up to Karmic is a whole 
different story with multiple reports of migration of grub to grub2 
being whacky and other stuff. It sure is "upgrade your machine". Pick a 
day when you have the whole day free to tackle anything that surfaces 
after or during the upgrade.

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