WTF?! NO floppy in Lucid or in Meerkat! -- PROGRESS REPORT

NoOp glgxg at
Sun Sep 26 18:45:40 UTC 2010

On 09/25/2010 10:32 PM, Basil Chupin wrote:
> On 25/09/2010 15:53, Basil Chupin wrote:
>> On 25/09/2010 14:24, NoOp wrote:
>>> On 09/24/2010 08:05 PM, Basil Chupin wrote:
>>> ...
>>>> This response being written on Maverick Meerkat (Beta #1) which was
>>>> upgraded to latest "stuff" only 1/2 hour ago.
>>>> What you suggest above works on Lucid 10.04.1 - but I have to admit that
>>>> I don't know if it is the above which is doing it or the fact that I
>>>> downgraded to udisks1.0.1build1 late last night. In other words, the
>>>> 'test bed' has been 'contaminated' and the playing field has been changed.
>>>> However, I am now in Maverick and the above does *NOT* work. And in
>>>> Maverick it doesn't appear to be a way of downgrading udisks to what
>>>> NoOp suggests in that bug report. I guess there must be a way but I
>>>> don't know what it is and don't have the expertise to fool around with
>>>> apt-get's various options.
>>> Short answer as I'm off working sailing races at the moment:
>> Many thanks, NoOp.
> [pruned]
>> I'll do all this later today or early tomorrow.
> OK, the old udisks (build1) downloaded and installed on Meerkat.
> Works like a charm. Every floppy recognised and contents displayed.
> And I have locked this version in Synatic so that it won't be upgraded 
> into a regressive state....

Don't forget to pin for apt-get:

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