
Jitender Kiraria jitu960 at gmail.com
Sun Sep 26 14:31:26 UTC 2010

I want to use JBoss Seam with eclipse on Ubuntu. I have installed eclipse
Galileo on My
system......On windows Environment I have used it.......But in Linux
Environment I am facing following Problems.............

   1. In windows After Eclipse Installation One requires to specify PATH of
   *JBossTools-Update-3.1.0.v201003050540R-H56-GA.zip* on your System by
   going into *help* menu of Eclipse.But in Linux I have no idea about how
   to do that.............  If You Know how to do that
   PLZ.........PLZ.......PLZ help me.......
   2. Where can I get Connector to connect my project to *Mysql dataBase*?????
    How to use this connector in Linux...........

Please someone help me use Jboss Seam on Eclipse........  I will be thankful
to you for this,,,,,,,,,,,,,Thanx in advance..........

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