WTF?! NO floppy in Lucid or in Meerkat! - UPDATE

Basil Chupin blchupin at
Sun Sep 26 06:11:09 UTC 2010

On 25/09/2010 22:12, Christopher Chan wrote:
>> No matter what you try and do - inserting "floppy" in /etc/modules or
>> rem-ing out the entry for the floppy in fstab - nothing will get the
>> floppy mounted or its contents accessed until you take the retro step
>> and install the earlier version of udisks (also see NoOp's response to
>> me re this and how to install this on Maverick).
> I see the Ubuntu devs are dead set on NOT supporting the floppy.
> Introducing code to sabotage floppy support is so hilarious. The
> 'community' seems to be getting out of touch.

I see at least 4 things in this.

The first is that there is no one who is controlling and directing the 
'community'. Shuttleworth has passed the control of Canonical to a some 
other person (sorry, cannot recall her name) and maybe now the direction 
has been lost - dunno.

The second is that the devs are in fact in La La Land - just like the 
those who decided to come up with KDE4 - and cannot see the damage which 
was or being done to the OS.

The third is that I accept the fact that technology moves ahead and that 
one cannot forever cater for everything. But to put out the crap that 
one cannot test floppy support simply because no dev has floppy drives 
on their machines is just too stupid. If Shuttleworth can fly into space 
then he surely can spend several dollars to provide the devs with 
pre-loved desktops with floppy drives on which to practice on?

The fourth is that NoOp suggested a solution. I installed the old udisks 
file on both Lucid AND Maverick, and doing so works - the floppy is 
recognised and its contents readable. So why not simply install as the 
default this old version of udisks 1.0.1-build1?


I didn't know it was impossible when I did it.

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