making arrows in gimp

NoOp glgxg at
Sun Sep 26 03:46:58 UTC 2010

On 09/25/2010 02:57 AM, Tapas Mishra wrote:
> I am looking for some thing to  make arrows via GIMP 2.6.8
> on some images Ubuntu 10.04 64 bit.
> upon searching came across this blog
> is there some thing better than what the above link has suggested.

Try Shutter[1] instead.

$ sudo apt-get install libgoo-canvas-perl gnome-web-photo
nautilus-sendto shutter
[All one line - or install each individually - see: for the
reason the additional packages need to be added]
Then Applications|Accessories|Shutter
Load the image & then click 'Edit'. Arrow tool is the small black
horizontal arrow on the left. You can change the colors via the 'Stroke
Color' on the bottom.

Shutter is a screen capture tool; it is both faster & easier to add
arrows, text boxes, than Gimp. However, it's 'Edit' features are
excellent for doing what you are looking fore.
*Warning* Shutter does not have a 'Save As' option in the edit mode, so
*be sure* to *always* use a copy to work with.

A newer version is available:
You can get this via:

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