deborphan and lynx

baldyeti e_fax_t at
Sat Sep 25 20:32:21 UTC 2010

I have a system which I upgraded from 8.04 to 10.04.
Every once in a while I like to run deborphan and get
rid of unneeded packages. But currently deborphan
generates a longish list of things it thinks the system
no longer needs; so long I am not sure I can trust it anymore.
Has anyone noticed something similar?

libgnome-speech7        libopenal0a             libnautilus-burn4
libffi4                 libparted0              libgtkhtml2-0
libsgutils1             libglut3                libnm-glib0
libgpod3                libportaudio0           libggzmod4
libdirectfb-1.0-0       libsmbios1              libgucharmap6
libnm-util0             libpolkit-gnome0        libx11-xcb1
libmtp7                 libraw1394-8            libdns32
libalut0                libpoppler-glib2        sysvutils
libtotem-plparser10     libgutenprint2          libgnomeprintui2.2-comm
libelfg0                libiw29                 libzephyr3
gstreamer0.10-gnomevfs  libbind9-30             libconsole
libkpathsea4            libgnomeprint2.2-data   libxklavier12
libtracker-gtk0         libavahi-core5          libneon27
libopal-2.2             libsensors3             libscrollkeeper0
libotr2                 libmagick10             libcdio7
libdmx1                 libavahi-compat-libdnss liblwres30
libwvstreams4.4-extras  libhunspell-1.1-0       libgmime-2.0-2
libntfs-3g23            diff                    libgnutls13

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