any plugin to synchronize bookmarks

Liam Proven lproven at
Sat Sep 25 16:11:37 UTC 2010

2010/9/25 Franz Waldmüller <waldbauernbub at>:
> Hi,
> sdavmor wrote:
>> On 09/24/2010 07:20 AM, Liam Proven wrote:
>>> On 24 September 2010 12:03, Ronald Artos<ronartos at>  wrote:
>>>> xmarks addon for Chrome and Firefox
>>> Another vote for Xmarks, which I've been using for years, across
>>> Linux, Windows&  Mac OS X. Works with non-Mozilla browsers as well
>>> these days.
>> +1 for Xmarks.  My family use it on Firefox. We also have done so for
>> several years.
> I don't know the Xmarks addon, but I found this nice article which
> expresses my thoughts about storing ones bookmarks on server (without
> encryption):
> just my 2c
> Franz

Ha! I used to work with those guys - I was the networks editor of that
site. They are /very/ keen on security and privacy.

Xmarks encrypt passwords and so on, but bookmarks? Hey, they're just
my bookmarks. Addresses of publically-available websites. Honestly, I
don't care that much who sees them. If data mining through aggregated
collections of bookmarks means Xmarks have found a way to make a
profit while extending me a very handy free service, I am fine with

As Scott McNeally said of customer privacy:
"You have zero privacy anyway. Get over it."


Liam Proven • Info & profile:
Email: lproven at • GMail/GoogleTalk/Orkut: lproven at
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