Which is the best choice, pae or x64?

Rofail Qu rofail at gmail.com
Sat Sep 25 14:28:15 UTC 2010

> An Intel x86 cpu cannot run x64 applications. Your E8400 is NOT a x86
> cpu. It is an EMT64 cpu. To run x64 applications, you have to use EMT64
Thanks for target my mistake. In my thought, EM64T is the extention of IA-32,
not REAL 64 bit.
so i really want to know is if it could run on a 64-bit ubuntu faster than
on a pae version.
In fact, i have this pc runs on a pae kernel for years.

> or 64-bit mode (automatically done for you - just install a x64 Ubuntu
> distro) which your E8400 is perfectly capable of.

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