Which is the best choice, pae or x64?

Rofail Qu rofail at gmail.com
Sat Sep 25 12:26:32 UTC 2010

Thanks for reply.
It seems that intel x86 PC with x64 ubuntu don't have performance
benefit from virtualization tech
even though it can run 64-bit applications. Is that true?
Put another way,in spite of compatibility of applications, could an
intel x86 PC running x64 applications surely
give a performance benefit? Apache for example.

2010/9/25 Tim Frost <timfrost at xtra.co.nz>:
> On Sat, 2010-09-25 at 16:06 +0800, Rofail Qu wrote:
>> My PC is x86 arch and has 4GB of mem.
>> So, i think it support x64 as well.
>> The question is, which kernel should i choose? The pae or x64?
>> Which is the best choice?
> With 4GB RAM, things are marginal.
> If this is your desktop (or laptop) workstation, you are probably best
> to stay 32-bit, and run the 32-bit PAE kernel to get access to the extra
> RAM.
> For a system designated to be a server, a 64-bit environment may give a
> performance benefit.
>>  Why?
> There are still a lot of user-interface programs that don't work well
> (if at all) in a 64-bit environment.
> My desktop is 64-bit, but there are a few things that I can't do in the
> native desktop (even with the 32-bit compatibility packages), so I use a
> 32-bit virtual machine to run those applications.
> By comparison, there are very few back-end applications that don't
> benefit from the 64-bit address space.
>> Thanks.
> Tim
> --
> Tim Frost <timfrost at xtra.co.nz>
> --
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