WiFi Issue

Yieo Pompernickle v-repl at online.no
Fri Sep 24 11:40:07 UTC 2010

* Kai Presler-Marshall (2010-09-24 13:16):

>    Hey guys,
>    I'm a Ubuntu user on my Lenovo Thinkpad T400 since April of this year,
>    and I've loved it.  To the point that I'm not using the copy of
>    Windows 7 Pro that I paid for.  Last night I decided that I'd also put
>    Kubuntu 10.04 on my desktop (Intel Core i7 860 @ stock, Asus P7P55D
>    Pro, nVidia GTX260).  When I'm logged in to KDE, everything (wifi,
>    sound, etc), works great.  I also have GNOME installed because I like
>    to switch between them (the same way on my laptop).  However, when I'm
>    logged into GNOME, the WiFi doesn't work.  There's no icon on the top
>    panel, and running ifconfig wlan0 shows it as disconnected.  Ideas?
>    I'd really like to be able to use GNOME as well as KDE.
>    Thanks!

I don't know about KDE, but Gnome uses nm-applet by default. Do you get
any kind of network icon on the top panel by doing ALT+F2 -> nm-applet ?

Sometimes when using wireless in Awesomewm on my T60, I have to left click the
nm-applet icon and check "Enable Wireless" even though I never disabled
it. Don't ask me why. Worth a try?

And then of course, there's that time when I spent several days trying to get
wireless to work on my fresh Ubuntu install before realizing the
physical switch in front was off... :-)

BTW, thinkwiki.org has tons of Ubuntu-specific info for Thinkpad Users.
Lots of tips and goodies there!

Yieo Pompernickle
yieo at online.no

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