openssl ECB output

C de-Avillez hggdh2 at
Thu Sep 23 23:25:33 UTC 2010

On Thu, 23 Sep 2010 19:07:39 -0400
Ali Khalfan <ali.khalfan at> wrote:

>  don't know if anyone has ever tried this before.  But I'm trying to
> demonstrate the weakness of electronic code book block encryption by
> using using openssl.  There is an option in openssl in openssl to
> select dec-ecb.  So  I gave it a shot.
> So I fed the following into the terminal
> openssl des-ecb -kfile deskty -in test.txt -out someEncryptedFile
> However, everytime, I get a different output.
> Is there any parameter i need to set in openssl to get the same
> outpu?

You probably want to pass '-nosalt' on the openssl call [1]: the
default is to salt the keys. Since it is a demonstration, no problem...


[1] 'man enc' for details
C de-Avillez
IRC: hggdh

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