META: Re: I want to become the next person after U.S. Senator Ernie Chambers to sue God

Christopher Chan christopher.chan at
Thu Sep 23 07:52:52 UTC 2010

Alan Pope wrote:
> On 23 September 2010 06:34, Christopher Chan
> <christopher.chan at> wrote:
>> Mr. Teo En Ming (Zhang Enming) of Singapore wrote:
>>> I want to sue God for being too busy and unresponsive. How can I file a
>>> lawsuit against Him at the U.S. Supreme Court?
>> Karl was tolerable in his blogs because his posts were at least still
>> Ubuntu related. This fine gentleman however has gone way beyond what is
>> reasonable. If Karl was kicked off the list though his posts were still
>> Ubuntu related, I say we show this gentleman the door.
> Already been done some days ago.
> Al.

Ah, he keeps using new addresses...ah well.

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