a question (or two) about vmbuilder in pre-maverick

Tim Frost timfrost at xtra.co.nz
Thu Sep 23 06:15:44 UTC 2010


I haven't used vmbuilder, but have used apt-proxy in the past.

In my case, I have used it in conjunction with VMWare virtual machines
that I was running, and the multiple systems that I run at home.

On Tue, 2010-09-14 at 07:26 -0400, Robert P. J. Day wrote: 
> i'm playing with the vmbuilder utility that's part of
> python-vm-builder on a fully-updated pre-maverick system so a couple
> questions.
>   first, is this the easiest way to create new VMs in maverick?  i can
> see other command line utils but vmbuilder seems like the easiest way
> to go.
>   and second, i'm following along here:
> https://help.ubuntu.com/community/JeOSVMBuilder
> and experimenting with building a minimal VM, but about halfway down
> that page, there's a section entitled "Packages caching," which i
> obviously want to take advantage of given that i want to build more
> than one machine, but that section talks about setting up an
> apt proxy with:
>   $ sudo apt-get install apt-proxy
> but i don't see any such package.  can someone provide the recipe for
> configuring package caching for vmbuilder before i get into creating
> VMs?  thanks.

as you have discovered, apt-proxy is not in the maverick repository.

You can use one of the alternatives that are available:
approx - caching proxy server for Debian archive files
apt-cacher - Caching proxy for Debian package and source files
apt-cacher-ng - caching proxy server for software repositories

I haven't used any of them, so have no idea which is likely to be best
for your situation.

To use any of these, you need to do two things:
1: Configure the program with the list of repositories that are
     to be cached.

2: specify the correct port for that package in the --install-mirror
   or --mirror options for vmbuilder, in place of 9999, which is the
   port that apt-proxy used.

> rday


Tim Frost <timfrost at xtra.co.nz>

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