openacs installation problem

Tapas Mishra mightydreams at
Thu Sep 23 05:17:20 UTC 2010

Ok these are the error messages I could catch.

error when trying to connect to the pgsql database. This error can
occur if you have no database to connect to, or if the password was
incorrect. use: dpkg-reconfigure -plow packagename to reconfigure.
Error when trying to connect to the pgsql database. This error can
occur if you have no database to connect to, or if the password was
incorrect. use: dpkg-reconfigure -plow packagename to reconfigure.
Error when trying to connect to the pgsql database. This error can
occur if you have no database to connect to, or if the password was
incorrect. use: dpkg-reconfigure -plow packagename to reconfigure.
 * Stopping web server aolserver4
         start-stop-daemon: warning: failed to kill 30391: No such
                                                                         [ OK ]
 * Stopping web server openacs                                           [ OK ]
 * Starting web server aolserver4
         [23/Sep/2010:10:33:34][30656.475354880][-main-] Error:
prebind: invalid entry: Address already in use

I am already running apache on the target machine so might be that is
It is not possible to stop as a website is running on that and on the
same time I have to install openacs which uses aolserver at port 80 in
a way that it works correctly and at a different port.
Apache 80
AOLServer some 3001 like that.


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