Any suggestions, please? -UPDATE - BUT NO JOY -- RESOLVED....WELL SORT OF......

Basil Chupin blchupin at
Tue Sep 21 06:02:56 UTC 2010

On 19/09/2010 01:14, Li Li wrote:
> On Sun, 2010-09-19 at 00:28 +1000, Basil Chupin wrote:
>> I bought a pre-loved ASUS A7N8X Deluxe mobo and, using the existing PSU
>> (which many people, including myself, thought was the culprit) and all
>> the other bits, the ASUS boots.
>> This is the good part.
>> The bad part is that I cannot get the whole sheebang to actually work
>> properly.
>> The CPU I have, Athlon XP 3200+ which should be showing as pounding away
>> at 2200MHz is showing up as a 1100MHz CPU - and the 'system' will not
>> even run the Ubuntu Live CD :-( .
> <snippage>
>> Can anyone see the flaw in the above which, when corrected, would get
>> the beast working again?
>> BC
> What BIOS does the board have?  Is there somewhere you can just set
> fail-safe defaults and try with that?
> Is cool 'n quiet on or off?  Cool 'n quiet often causes AMD systems to
> show slower CPU speeds because that's what it does.  A real benchmark or
> stress test may show the "real" CPU clock speed.
> You say you can't boot the Ubuntu CD.  What *can* you boot with?

Li Li,

I apologise for not responding to you earlier and, now, in full - and I 
will simply acknowledge your message at this point and state that I 
haven't responded because I am checking a few things out and didn't want 
to respond without having some "data" behind me. And it this for this 
reason that I now post only an acknowledgement but still without any 
details....I am still trying to eliminate a couple of variables so that 
I can get some sort of a clearer picture of what is happening here.

Let it suffice at this point for me to state that I have made SOME 
progress; I can at least now get the "system" to boot, but at a reduced 
CPU rate than what the CPU is actually rated at, and worked perfectly on 
the other mobo, and only with a Live CD (of Ubuntu)......

A day or so and I'll provide the answers, and ask for help re what the 
heck it going on with this stupid ASUS mobo :-( .


I didn't know it was impossible when I did it.

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