Just about driven to pull my hair out with Firefox

Anthony Papillion papillion at gmail.com
Tue Sep 21 01:26:39 UTC 2010

Last night, I posted a message talking about problems I was having with
Firefox simply stalling on random websites. In most cases, a simple page
refresh takes care of the problem but not always. I read a message that said
it might be related to IPv6 and that I should disable it in Firefox's
config. I did and there is virtually no change at all.  At first, it seemed
like there might have been a change but, on a second examination, there

How can I fix this problem? I've Googled for months about this problem
(which first manifested in 9.04) and can't seem to find any way to solve it.
Has anyone run into this and actually fixed it with a NON IPv6 solution?


Anthony Papillion
Lead Developer / Owner
Advanced Data Concepts - "Enabling work anywhere"
(918) 919-4624

Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/cajuntechie
My Blog:   http://www.cajuntechie.com
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