Norman Silverstone norman at littletank.org
Mon Sep 20 18:56:52 UTC 2010

> > Just to finalise - removed the MBR and the problem disappeared.
> >
> Norman, please clarify how this was done. Will appreciate your letting 
> us know. We can learn something too.

I am starting with 2 HDDs in my nachine one of which has Ubuntu 9.10,
which I use and the other had at one time also had a version of Ubuntu
installed on it and it was this HDD on which I wanted to install XP Pro.
This is what I did:-

  1. Disconnect the Ubuntu drive
  2. Boot an Ubuntu live CD
  3. Open a terminal
  4. as root, dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/sda bs=512 count=1
  5. Reboot with a windows install CD

Step 3 writes one sector of zeroes to the hard drive which *should*
cause Windows to think the drive is unpartitioned and unprepared

Don't forget step 1. though, or you risk obliterating your ubuntu

I hope this is helpful.


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