Request for Feedback, users on social news network

Asif Youssuff yoasif at
Mon Sep 20 14:14:00 UTC 2010

Hey guys,

I'm one of the founders of quippd, a social news network with some nifty
ideas based around community. Like other news sites like Digg, we allow
users to vote on stories and follow other users (like on Twitter).

However, we do something interesting -- stories can optionally be edited,
like a wiki (you guys know wikis, right?) so that stories become continually
evolving sources of good information.

We build quippd on Ubuntu, and we would like nothing better than to have our
fellow Ubuntu users on board with us.

You can login using OpenID and we're looking into integrating OStatus so
that you can follow people on implementations.

I hope you guys check us out, and please reply to this email for any
questions or comments!

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