Goh Lip g.lip at gmx.com
Mon Sep 20 10:56:21 UTC 2010

On Monday 20,September,2010 06:24 PM, Nils Kassube wrote:
> Goh Lip wrote:
>> Fajar, Nils, I was wondering about the package 'mbr'
>> http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?keywords=mbr
>> Would this be able to handle what Norman wanted without 'deleting' or
>> setting zeroes to the track which may be 'hazardous'?
>> From the man page of install-mbr [1] it looks like it would install a
> boot manager which lets you select from which partition you want to
> boot. I don't think that is what the OP was looking for. And I'm also
> not sure if the XP install could be completed using this extra boot
> manager.
> Nils
> [1]<http://manpages.ubuntu.com/manpages/hardy/man8/install-mbr.8.html>
Okay, thanks Nils, but reading the above seems to give an indication 
that it 'might' work. But going back to Norman's issue, if the hard 
drive can be totally cleared, setting zeroes to even the whole drive, 
and Fajar's suggestion to clear 10 MB would still be okay, right? Unless 
of course, Norman wants to clear only the mbr tracks if there are other 
data on the rest of the disk he wants to keep.

If Norman can help check out the mbr package, that would be good too.
boot live cd,
sudo apt-get install mbr
sudo install-mbr /dev/sda

Then exit and install XP. Let us know if installation proceeds or still 
stop or hangs at some point as before. If fails, then proceed with 
Fajar/Nils setting zeroes.

Good luck - Goh Lip

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