Lousy Lynx

Basil Chupin blchupin at iinet.net.au
Mon Sep 20 08:03:25 UTC 2010

On 20/09/2010 16:56, steve reilly wrote:
> On 09/20/2010 01:57 AM, chris wrote:
>> Ah cpm and 4k of ram (sighs wistfully)...........
> never used!  school first introduced me to programming on an old
> burroughs mainframe if i remember correctly (circa 1983 or so), with rpg
> III and cobol compilers.  believe we had about 8 or 10 terminals, but i
> dont want to get too far off topic here..
> steve

You are already well "off topic" - simply because what you are 
responding to is already well off topic.

I am not a "party pooper".

Been a transgressor myself so am not claiming to be "pure white".

But what I find is most "put offish" in this mail list is that a genuine 
question to a problem is answered not by a straightforward response - 
like what NoOp does for example - but possibly by an answer which also 
contains is a snide remark about the OP's question followed by an (often 
indirect) answer.

Such a response then leads to smart arsed responses which take the 
thread into a totally different direction.

Who the damn gives a rat's arse about a "Karl Show" or "cpm and 4k of 

How does this help to solve the OP's question?

I, personally, asked a question about a problem I was having about the 
(suspected) loss of a mobo.

At the moment, this thread of mine regarding my problem is 58 messages big.

Quite a large percentage of these messages consists of people coming up 
with crap about what voltage is being used in various parts of the world!


I didn't know it was impossible when I did it.

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