Lousy Lynx

Doug dmcgarrett at optonline.net
Sun Sep 19 22:16:36 UTC 2010

  On 09/19/2010 12:40 PM, Cybe R. Wizard wrote:
> On Sun, 19 Sep 2010 10:02:21 -0700
> "Kevin O'Gorman"<kogorman at gmail.com>  wrote:
>> I teach computer science in university...
>> ...I'm not sure how to restore the MS MBR...
> It seems so completely unlikely that you don't know how to restore a
> Microsoft Master Boot Record /and/ aren't able to lay your hands on the
> info in seconds that I have trouble believing your first statement.
> If true, I pity the youth of today.
> > From the /very first result/ of a googling for, "restore vista mbr":
> http://forums.techarena.in/vista-help/691963.htm
> ----------
> How to Repair or Fix a broken Vista MBR:
> To Restore Vista MBR, please use the following simple solution.
> 1. Start your computer from the Windows Vista Installation DVD
> 2. Press a key when prompted to continue
> 3. Choose your language, time, keyboard and click Next:
> Select language and preferences
> 4. Next, click "Repair your Computer":
> Repair your computer
> 5. Now, from the System Recovery Options dialog, select the "Operating
> System" you want to repair, then click Next:
> System recovery options, choosing your Operating system
> 6. From the "Choose a Recovery Tool" dialog menu, select "Command
> Prompt":
> Recovery Tool Command Prompt
> 7. Type the following into the "Command Prompt Window":
> bootrec.exe /fixmbr
> bootrec.exe /fixboot
> 8. Remove the Vista Installation DVD and restart your PC.
> If all goes well, this process should have enabled you to restore your
> Vista MBR and you should now be able to boot back into your Windows
> Vista Operating system.
> ---------
> As I have no MS anything, I HTH, but YMMV.
> Cybe R. Wizard
Assuming all that works, you now have to get back your Linux system(s).
On the live version of the PCLINUXOS CD, when you get into the
GUI, there's More Applications>Configuration>RedoMBR.
When it asks, tell it OK. Hopefully this will bring back your Linux(s),
assuming they booted from grub in the first place.


Blessed are the peacemakers...for they shall be shot at from both sides. --A. M. Greeley

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